Get a complete, tailored digital footprint in T-60 seconds

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AIFE for agencies

Be bigger, better, faster

AIFE lets modern agencies do more in less time, at lower costs.

You can look forward to faster delivery, higher profitability, and more, happier clients.


It's the message, the message, the message

Successful agencies and media organizations will know that the days of shoehorning content into templates are gone. "Design-first", WYSIWYG and "drag & drop" are long dead. Today, content dictates design.

Modern smart systems re-flow, re-format and re-design content to suit the end-user. Reach and SEO are everything. The only truly successful content creation efforts are entirely cross-platform and cross-medium.

Successful agencies and media organizations will know that the days of shoehorning content into templates are gone.

AIFE does just that. Now, anyone - you or your clients - can make content updates fast, and without worrying if it will work and look right.

No broken links, no out-of-sync fields or content, no design headaches.

Everything is re-used and re-purposed to the maximum extent possible. Fully automatically.

Do more in less time

Make AIFE part of your team

Use an AIFE footprint for your customer as a vehicle for your other great services.

You might be a marketing, design or content creation guru. But chances are you don't operate, write or design across 25+ different platforms, services and media at once right now. With AIFE you will!

Chances are you don't operate, write or design across 25+ different platforms, services and media at once right now.

No upgrades, no hosting issues. Advanced SEO is taken care of automatically, new platforms, services and media added over time. Ever evolving best practices are automatically put in place. Things just work - guaranteed - with a minimum of fuss.

Combine AIFE's skills and your skills to service more customers; say "yes, can do" more often.

White-label AIFE

Example of a rebranded sign-in screen
Use your own branding when your clients sign in and interact with AIFE.

Your brand, your ethos, your way

AIFE just as easily re-brands and re-purposes herself to become part of your business.

Sign-in, Footprint Management System and more can all be re-branded to reflect your brand and ethos.

Have AIFE interact with your brand, your way.

Stay in control

AIFE adapts to your preferred way of working

Want to stay in control of content and design? AIFE will adapt to your style of working and managing clients. Flexible multi-user role management gives your clients as much (or as little) control as you wish.

Billing is between you and AIFE. You charge your clients separately, in whichever way you see fit.

Get a complete, tailored digital footprint in T-60 seconds

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1stbase Inc.

dual patent pending US/EU/AU, AIFE.AI is a registered trademark of 1stbase inc.