AIFE.AI welcomes its first two affiliates under its new affiliates program

Channel Rewards logo

Well, that didn't take long! 😀

We are proud to announce Australia-based Channel Rewards and Channel Procurement now offer AIFE footprints to all their members.

AIFE now takes care of all their members' digital footprint needs, including websites, apps, email signatures and much more. On-demand and within 60 seconds.

We are proud to announce Australia-based Channel Rewards and Channel Procurement now offer AIFE footprints to all their members.

Channel Rewards

"Channel Rewards aggregates the best available deals and brings them into the one marketplace. We understand the need for business to make money but we also understand the power of customer retention; rewarding employees and thanking those that make the business successful,

We are determined that Small Businesses; Charities; and Member Clubs or Organisations should never have to overpay for a rewards platform. Hence our pricing structure."

Channel Procurement logo, saying Big Buying Power for Small Business

Channel Procurement

Channel Procurement is all about big Buying power for small business; "We exist for Small and Medium sized businesses to be able to access better pricing options for the services and products they need to use everyday."

Welcome aboard! 🚀

1stbase Inc.

dual patent pending US/EU/AU, AIFE.AI is a registered trademark of 1stbase inc.