Effortless Virtual Reality experiences

Your content is now available as a Virtual Reality experience!

Really - just like that. Nothing new to do, learn or think about.

Making good on our promise to always bring your content to the next big thing, anyone can now enjoy your content as a fully narrated 3D experience.

To really make your VR experience shine, consider adding some 360 degree photography.

Looking to capitalise on VR? AIFE turns your content into a narrated VR experience with 0 work on your part. But to really make your VR experience shine, consider adding some 360 degree photography. It's not terribly hard to do and is heaps of fun to experiement with! For more info and demonstrations, check out the VR item in the support section in your Footprint Management System.

A platform situated in a car park
Experience what it's like to be there in 2D on desktop and smart phone and 3D in all popular headsets.

The AIFE VR experiences follow the "progressive enhancement" paradigm. This means that they should work on everything from laptops, desktops, mobile (using gravity sensors) to Google Cardboard, DayDream, Gear/Go, all the way up to WMR, Vive and Rift headsets.

Limited movement within a scene is possible as well (use WASD keys, the touch pad on a 3DOF headset controller, or just walk around with a 6 DOF headset).

Give it a try! Make a change (any change!) to your content, publish it and presto, you've been upgraded! For a quick link to your VR experience, just add /VR to your footprint's URL (for example https://aife.ai/VR).

1stbase Inc.

dual patent pending US/EU/AU, AIFE.AI is a registered trademark of 1stbase inc.