Live chat, YouTube and more logo
Your audience can now chat live with you through your footprint's websites with integration.

It's the little things. The tweaks, the refinements, the nice-to-haves. The latest update has them in spades!

YouTube video enhancements

YouTube videos in the enrich tab now have 3 different presentation modes. You can show your video embedded with the rest of your content (as you are used to), play it fullscreen when clicked or play it looped in the background in some cases. For an example, check out our website's feature image; it is now subtly animated.

Live chat integration for

Your audience is now able to start a live chat with you, thanks to optional integration.

eCommerce shopping cart

If you have an eCommerce enabled in your footprint, a shopping cart icon is now available for your customers for quick access to their cart.

Client footprint management for agencies and Real Estate agents

The client footprint management interface for agencies and Real Estate agents got a revamp. Managing your clients is now easier than ever.

Styling tweaks

AIFE is learning new tricks all the time. A shadow here, a contrast optimisation there.

Loads more

Custom form submission messages, even faster CDN cacheing, lots of small bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements, and one very special feature that we can't tell you about just yet. 😉

As usual, all it takes is publishing an update (any update) and you will be upgraded to the latest version.

The client footprint management interface for agencies and Real Estate agents got a revamp.

1stbase Inc.

dual patent pending US/EU/AU, AIFE.AI is a registered trademark of 1stbase inc.